Institutional Visit

Visit Instructions for School, College, University and Other Institutions

1. Please write an application (a sample copy is attached) in your official pad addressing ‘Director General,
Military Museum, Bijoy Sharani’ mentioning following details:

  • Name of the Institution.
  • Please check the museum visiting hours before you select your time
  • Date and time of visit- 10 am -1 pm/ 3 pm – 6 pm. During Ramadan 11 am - 1 pm/ 2 pm - 4 pm
  • Number and types of vehicles.
  • Contact details with phone number.
  • Signature with seal.

2. Send the application to following email address and a copy to WhatsApp number:

3. Send the application to email or in WhatsApp prior to minimum 7 (seven) working days.

4. No food is allowed inside the museum gallery.

5. Please follow instructions of the museum:

  • No littering inside museum perimeter
  • Your students need to be guided by your institution.

6. You are always welcome to visit Military Museum.


More Than 2500 Exhibits